Lincolns Birthday

Lincolns birthday is the topic I am using for my holiday assignment. Lincolns Birthday is at February 12, 2018. People celebrate it because he is one of our best president in the United States history. People don’t really make a big deal out of this like setting up a parade but the sometimes do. But a lot of people would say it is his birthday so most of us cares. Lincolns birthday is usually celebrated in Illinois, Connecticut,  Indiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and West Virginia. There are other states but they don’t celebrate it as much as the countries I told you. I’ll celebrate this birthday because I learned a lot about him and I also think that he deserves it especially when I lived in Illinois for like my whole life. I am pretty sure that people would celebrate it because it is his birthday.  This picture below is symbolizing Lincoln celebrating his birthday like how we would celebrate it right now in this generation. In my opinion I think this is a good day for all of the United States.Lincoln made too many good decisions to make what the United States on what we are now.  You should celebrate it.


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